Friday, November 23, 2007

Studying sucks more!!!

My mum was telling me about my friend Joy whom she is mentoring, working from 9am to 10:30pm at Citibank...the norm it seems...On good days she gets off at 8:30pm...Absolute madness!!! And she isn't the first one i heard working their asses off and their youth away...But people think its normal...In fact some think that we are young, in our prime and that this- working our youth away- is exactly what we should be doing...Personally, i dun see the logic in that...We're young, we're alive and energetic but we coop our bodies up in air-conditioned shit-holes for the good of some elusive abstraction called "the company"...Down with working hours that pass 5pm i say!!! We're in our prime...We should be enjoying life when we can enjoy it to the fullest...NOT when we are old, frail and unable to do things we could do but would not in our youth!!!

Actually, i used to prioritize money over everything else...I would see a sports car drive by and tell myself that i would be driving that before i hit 35...But not anymore! My priorities have changed...I would rather a relatively low paying job (Not too low haha) but one which allows me time to myself...Time to live life and breathe...Time so i can do other things in life...In fact, and contrary to many people's belief, i'm trying to practice this now..By not letting studies be my everything...To not let it be the centre of my universe where everything else revolves around it and i have to fit things in accordance with it...Bottomline, there's definitely more to life than work and studies...

Life in Singapore is shit...No? I can see why people migrate to Australia...There the shops close at 5pm sharp and everyone can go home and have dinner with their families and spend time with frens...Ok, enuff ranting about shitty work and study life in Singapore...More photos pronto:

Kena abused by that crustacean (1st photo) despite organizing her b'day party...Last two photos were taken in a more recent outing to the movies...We watched Bee movie and the 3 of us had to share a couple seat...I ended up sitting on the arm rest (so self-sacrificial--> i m sucha gd fren!) but the tix were free so...The last photo, we were in NYDC and crustacean was gg to smash the mug against Yingzhi who was complaining about scars on her flawless complexion...That crustacean is a really violent person...She needs psychiatric help i tell you...

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