Thursday, May 01, 2008

Exam shell-shock

I got this feeling on my last two papers...The dun-know-wat-to-feel kind of feeling...That is actually quite worrying cos it usually means i churned out mediocre stuff that isnt good or bad...Or if 2 questions are involved that i did well on one and not so well on the other...But its realli quite hard to say cos u know how it can be realli ironic and when u think u do well it turns out that u din or the other way round...

Today's paper was extremely frustrating...It was easy but cos Talib din gif proper instructions alot of us ended up rushing through 2 short essays in the first half-hour of the exam..What happened was that he told us to write the essay from 1 to 1:30 and then he will commence on the MCQ portion at 1:30...So alot of us assumed that we only had 1/2 an hr to write the 2 short essays and ended up rushing like mad...What he din tell us was that we could continue after the MCQ was done...And the MCQ was done real fast...We ended up hafing a good 1 hr to continue writing and it was very frustrating cos most of us had by then already churned out mediocre "i-wrote-this-in-15-minutes" kind of essays which had to be either reworked or rewritten...I tried to re-write the 1st essay for a good half-hr and eventually gave up...So yeah...I wasted 1/2 an hr and ended up not writing so well for my 2nd essay as well...It was a classic too much time to spare turned into not enough time scenario...

But i guess its over...So that's 2 down and 3 more to go...I just hope everything turns out alright...

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