Monday, December 15, 2008

Church Play

Dear students,

Hope you had a great time at the party...I know I did! Thanks for coming and being such wonderful guests! Photos on facebook!

On another note, the youth from my church will be putting up a play this Saturday (20th December) from 4pm to 7pm and sunday (21st December) from 7pm to 10pm and you are invited! Please let me know which day you can make it and I will make arrangements accordingly.

My church is called Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church (BBTC) and is located along Bedok North Avenue 3. You can visit the website at

As for how to get there, you can take the following buses: 18, 28, 66, 69, 168, 228, 506, TIBS 67.

The nearest MRT is Bedok but you will need to take a bus (66) from the bus interchange there.
Once again, if you are unsure of the bus route, please visit the SBS transit website (instructions and link given in previous blog post) posted below. From what i know, you can take bus 28 from Toa Payoh interchange and drop off at the stop called "Blk 403". From there you will see a grey modern-looking building at the opposite side of the road...That's my church! Alternatively, you could take a train to Bedok, take bus 66 from Bedok interchange (behind Bedok MRT station) and stop at the "BLK 403" stop (just 3 stops from the interchange).

As for the other buses, please check the SBS website yourselves...

I hope to see you all there...Details on my baptism and Christmas service (where my Dad will be speaking as well) will be up on the next post...Watch out for it!


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