Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stella's Birthday

Went to Kushinbo to celebrate Stel's birthday...Couples' nite out...Had a gr8 time...I think we all got along well...Was especially comical when Christine tried to eat dragonfruit with the skin still on...Furthermore, just a while before she popped the entire thing in her mouth, she had called me stupid 4 getting the fruit mixed up with beetroot...Well, at least i wasnt the one wondering why the fruit was so hard and chewy to eat...The girl also couldnt tell the difference between soba and sorbert...So stoooooopid! heh heh...Anyways, here are the photos:

Above: Cheryl and Erwin win the award for being the most kiasu couple hands down...Cheryl took 2 plates with about 10 crab legs each and 3 plates of dessert while Erwin would rush to the counter everytime the annoying Kushinbo theme song played to inform diners about some limited delicacy being offered to the 1st 25 customers...

Above: Stell and Cai both went for some kind of makeover...They look better though of course, still not as good as me and Chris...

Below: I'm pretty sure Cheryl was high on something last nite...Either then that, my charm, wit and humour must have really gotten to her...As a consolation to Erwin, who mite view me as a threat, Christine is quite smitten by your moles...I had to use my blow dart with tranquilizer-tipped arrow to get her to quieten down...Next time, i'm bringing my harpoon...

The end...

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