Sunday, February 10, 2008

CNY Day 2 Lunch aka Tribute to Chris's Parents

Had lunch at Christine's place on Thursday...Her parents are very hospitable and warm people and i was very honoured to get a chance to taste her mum's excellent cooking...Her mum cooked up a storm! What with 2kg of beef balls and 5kg of beef rendang...But it was all very yummy, especially the rendang...There was also this healthy (heh heh) indonesian dish which consisted of fried fish cake? that had to be eaten with this special sauce...In the end, i think i ate about approximately three rounds though still nothing in compared to the amt Chris ate which included a grand total of 15 beef balls (no kidding), and other stuff...Either she was very hungry or the middle-child syndrome kicked in and she was silently competing with Min to see who could eat more of the beef balls that their dad had brought in from Indonesia...Overall, it was a great lunch and i want to thank her parents for having me over...

After that, we played bridge and as expected, Chris and Min kept losing...In the end, they had to do a forfeit...Dewei kept suggesting that Min and Chris french kiss for the duration of a photo shot (i think he has a thing for lesbianic acts) but i was kind enough to suggest that they just kiss each other's toes...So that will explain the photos above...Perhaps the one thing that was realli heart-wrenching that day then was when i went to see Christine's so-called 'newly refurbished room'. After surveying her room, i casually asked her what was in a cabinet above her desk and she replied that it contained rubbish...But when i opened it, to my horror, i saw a gift that i had thoughtfully bought for her lying in the midst of other miscellaneous items like rough paper...Tsk tsk...

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