Sunday, February 24, 2008

LIME Flea Market

I was actually very excited about selling all my old clothes today...Just cudnt wait to take all the unwanted stuff out of my closet and make some $$$ out of it...Even if it's not much, i just dun like seeing or knowing that there are unwanted clothes clogging up space in my wardrobe or simply lying around...It's kinda like a reminder of all the wrong buys i made and it just isnt representative of me as a person anymore...In fact this is my 4th time selling clothes at LIME, and considering that i sell an average of about 20 odd pieces of clothing each time, u can imagine how quickly i grow to not like my clothes...But i think it will be a while before i do the flea market again...Stylistically, i have found a very comfortable form of expression...One that i think does my good looks justice such that whatever i buy now is bought having a much more heightened sense of who i am and the identity i want to project...In other words, after going through many phases (the vintage tee phase, the surfer tee phase etc.), i've finally found myself stylistically.

Anyway, today started off badly enough...What with dark clouds looming overhead in the morning, the threat of being called back to camp for amber alert and being late...But in the end, things really worked out well...It turned out to be one of those "seems-like-a-bad-day-but-turns-out-to-be-a-good-day" days....In the end, long story short, the sun came out (and now i'm sun-burnt) and there wasn't a single drop of rain, had a good time with Char gossiping and finding out stuff about her i never knew before, and sold a hell lot of clothes...There was a period however when i thot i wasnt gg to make as much as before...That was during 5pm to 7pm, when i din sell a single thing...But strangely enuff, it was onli when it started getting dark around 7:30pm that business picked up again and i sold another 6 or so items...Like i said i guess, it was a "seems-bad-but-turns-out-good" day....So realli thank God man for the good weather, good business, great company and no mobilization!

I also realli needed the cash...Cos i'm saving up for lasik and i need to buy work clothes soon...Btw, does anyone wanna donate to the Help-Shaun-Get-Lasik fund? You will get my eternal gratitude hahaha...ETERNAL ok!?! Cash or cheque accepted...

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