Friday, March 14, 2008

Decided NOT to relief teach

Although i told Wendy (the teacher i met from TPJC who briefed me about relief teaching there) that i would be ok with relief teaching starting from May 12th, just two days after my final paper...I was and am not. Post cognitive dissonance set in. I found myself constantly having to reassure myself that it was a wise, rational decision and i had to keep telling myself what a good experience it would be. You know what...When you find yourself rationalizing this way, it is NOT a good decision. Just like when you shop, buy something and start having to reassure yourself that you made a good buy...The minute you start doing that, it is NOT a good buy. Good buys and good things don't require any rationalization. You know you want it the minute you see it. You don't have to tell yourself that you do.

So after three long weeks of consideration, including the fact that i can't submit my relief teaching application because the MOE online system is so screwed up (i took more than 1 hour trying to fill up the forms and in the end still couldnt submit the application), i have decided NOT to take up the job...Sometimes you just need to do what you want instead of what you should...And i am going to have a hell lot of fun after my final paper this 9th may...No waking up at 6am to be in TPJC at 7:30am, no marking of 80 essays and comprehensions (they want me to take 4 GP classes...Crazy rite!?), no lesson preparations etc. I'm gonna sleep throughout the day, laze around cafes reading comics, shop, catch movies etc...In short i'm gonna relax if it's the last thing i do and nothing's gonna stop me...

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