Saturday, July 19, 2008


As some of you already know, Peppy my pet dog and best fren of 17 years is very ill. His kidneys are failing (or have already failed) him and this is causing toxic built-ups of creatin (by-product of protein) and other by-products. Needless to say, i am absolutely heart-broken...It's very difficult watching a loved one suffer and degenerate and it pains me to see him in pain...It realli doesn't look good this time...When we got him back from the hospital on Monday, the vet said it would be downhill all the way and that it would only be a matter of days before we would have to bring him back to put him to sleep...I cried for a good 2 hours after that...
It's Sat. now and he's still alive though not in good condition...He hardly eats anything and drinks very little...There's a little part of me that's still secretly hoping for a miracle though everyone's telling me that the end is near...But i need this bit of hope to carry on...I knew it would happen someday but i realli din expect it to be so soon...I knew he was deteriorating fast even b4 we brot him to the vet but i thot he'd still have at least a couple of months left in him...I realli wish he would stay a while longer...

On another note, I know i'm supposed to organize the EL gathering, go on a hol with Char and gang, and mit up with other frens like ZQ, Army buds etc. but i am currently in no mood to so, sorry guys...

1 comment:

p|nk p|ush cush|ons said...

hey shaun, firstly a great big hug for u! reading ur post about peppy made me tear. i can only imagine how hard it must be and i doubt i will be able to handle it myself when it comes time for my dog to go. ure so right to say that peppy is part of ur family, no less and definitely not just a pet. Im sure no words will make it better but take comfort in the fact that peppy has probably had as wonderful a life as any dog can have. Although he bit me with his teethless gum, i'll miss him too hehe. hugs!