Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Wat made this new year better was my finding out that i got another week of hols before school starts...Blur c*ck me thot that school is starting on the 7th when it actuali starts on the 14th so...YEAH!!!

Yesterday, went to town to change Mr.Z's present cos it was a size too small...I realized that the running vest he got me from New Balance cost $36...WOW! That's mighty generous of i realli needed a new vest given my healthy, active lifestyle (where do you think my fab bod comes from?)...So thanks Mr.Z! Then went down to Herren to get my Herren priviledge card...After that, went home for a run in the beautiful sunny weather at east coast before heading to church for watchnight service...

Crustacean had no party to go to so she begged me to let her come to my church for the service...Once again, i took pity on her and said ok, even picking her up from her home to go to church...

Above and Below: The place was packed so we had no choice but to sit on the steps to the entrance of our church...And there was this cat which kept looking at us with this realli sad and pathetic looking face that i fed it some of my chicken...Heartless crustacean kept wanting to kick it away but i prevented her from doing so each time...

Above: Act cute, act young...Crustacean insisted on wearing the burger king crown becos she said she wanted to look like a princess...

Above: Moments before midnite, we lit up candles and sang the aud lang sai (obviously wrong spelling) song...

Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR peeps!!!

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