Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sunday Lunch

Had lunch with Jeremy, Serena and Christine after church at Different Tastes Cafe...It was quite surprising for me cos they've never asked me to join them before, or at least been so adamant about it, and i've always joined my family instead...It's great of cos since my purpose of being in a cell has always been to find a sense of belonging in the church of which i've been a part of, but yet not really a part of, all my life...

So anyway, things started off quite akward at first cos we din realli know each other well. But with my superb PR skills, the ball was soon rolling...Christine couldnt stop ogling Jem's 16-inch biceps and kept asking him what he looked for in a potential mate...Then she kept saying how pretty Serena was which is quite confusing if u think about it...But the ultimate clincher was when she asked Jeremy why he and Serena weren't a couple...And suddenly, we were all back in "akward" mode again hahaha...I mean, if not together then not together lor...There's no "why" about it rite...If it happens it happens and if it doesnt then it doesnt...But NOOOOOOOO...Aunty Christine wouldnt accept this as an answer so she continued proding and questioning the two of them till i saved them by saying "Ok, let's go home!"

Christine is realli funny that way...She claims she's super PR but i dun think so sometimes hahaha...She can be outrageously upfront and direct and in a way it's good cos it tears apart any form of superficial politeness and ceremony, but sometimes, just sometimes, i want to scotch-tape her mouth and bundle her out of a conversation...Like she has this habit of asking women "How old are you?" or "what's your weight?"...U know, questions that even i as a guy know not to ask...But then again most often than not, it works in her favour cos i find that people actually become less "ke qi" and more honest about their feelings and opinions after their guard has been caught down by her directness...

Then there's Jeanie's kind of direct which i have no idea what to make of...Like when there's an akward silence, she'll be the one that exclaims "WAH! THE SILENCE VERY AKWARD AH!" or she'll walk up to you and ask "Are you wearing a wig?" Very random, out-of-the-blue comments or statements that people will usually keep to themselves...It's a very disarming directness that leaves you wondering what hit you but which you will come to find very amusing and funny later...

I'm not saying being direct is bad...Actualli, i even advocate it...It's a refreshing change from the usual polite small talk kind of performance that people put on in interactions with unfamiliar persons...But in the end, Serena went into the car and very gently asked Aunty Christine "Next time can don't ask about Jem and me not...Very weird leh". Hahaha...After all, I said MOST of the time...Not ALL the time rite?

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