Friday, January 25, 2008

Matthew Black's Birthday

Jus came back from Mat Black's birthday celebration at Waraku Marina...For all of u out there who dun know who Mat Black is...He's Christine's Ex.E.C.2...In other words, he's not as good as me but he's a realli nice guy anyhow hahaha...I remember when i skipped the last lec of Interactional Discourse and he actualli kept notes for me and even took the time to meet me in school during the exam period to pass it to me and tell me what was coming out 4 the paper...It's realli things like that makes him so likeable and i realli appreciate and admire him for his thoughtfulness...

His surname's not realli "black" of course. I added it there cos there was another Matthew in EL and i cudnt remember their surnames so i added Black and White to distinguish between the tanner, darker Matt and the other fairer one...Makes life so much easier...Anyway, the party was great! Cai managed to get Waraku to give as a private function room and it was realli cosy! Imagine having 14 EL honours students sitting at the same table talking, laughing and having dinner together in the capacity of frens and you can more or less get a feel of how close we are as a batch...I'm realli thankful, therefore, to be able to know all of you and graduate in the knowledge that i have made some good frens in EL...i think it's great that we can spend our last year in NUS like this and to have transcended beyond just a classmate or hi-bye relationship...After all, it's not all about the grades, but the friendships forged and the memories that we create together and carry for the rest of our lives...

Above: Ex.E.C.2 and Ex.E.C.1...Matt promised to wear that sign for a week so Christine...You can rush down to school next week and finally get to legitimately hug Matt...As for what mods he takes and their timings? $50...inclusive of photo if i happen to be there with my camera...

Above: My scallop and udon in cheese and cream sauce...It was pretty good...

Above: Moo moo and me...Y she's moo moo? Cos her email add is moomoo@yahoo or something like that...

Below: Stella...Hahaha...She's gonna kill me...But somehow it isnt that bad...Cheryl was saying that even though it's supposed to be an unflattering shot of her...She somehow still manages to look quite good...Cudnt agree more...That's being good looking for you...I totalli understand...

Below: Mandy and me...I actualli have a photo of her looking up at me in the same way i am in this one...Role reversal...

Above: Cheryl doing some kind of dance...The gal was quite high and was giggling and laughing non-stop the whole nite...Muz watch her sugar intake Erwin!

Above: The birthday "cake"...There were like 24 donuts there i think...We had so mani left-overs we played the numbers game to get rid of them...At first i realli wanted to lose cos i love donuts but after losing 3 times...I wanted out...You know the saying, "careful what you wish for"? It's true...I lost 5 times and ended up having to eat 5 donuts in all!!! I dun know if its realli bad karma with the donuts or realli good karma...Whatever the case, law of diminshing returns set in by the third donut and soon, i was asking pple to help me eat...5 times?!?! Like, what are the chances rite? Everytime there will be two numbers left, i wud haf to pick the "winning" one...or like over a range of 51-60, i would pick 52 and kena! Wah lau...I dun ever want to see another donut again...

Below: Me and Rach...I'm realli glad to have sat beside her cos i got the opportunity to know her abit better...She's realli fun-loving and quite a health nut to boot and i din know that b4...

Ok...That's it...Thanks to Cai and Stell for organizing...And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!

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