Friday, January 11, 2008

Yesterday Continued...

Din haf time to explain y y'day felt like it was gg to be a bad day...U know how some days everything just dun seem to go ur way...Well, y'day felt like dat...

First, i din get the modules i wanted. Then, when we reached SGH, we couldnt find a carpark and it was pouring...So i dropped my mum off and ended up parking realli far away from the colon-scopy building...After finding a space, i tot i'd wait a while for the rain to subside abit but it din so i decided to grab my big bag and lap top and run...And though i had a broli, the rain was the kind where u still end up wet umbrella or not...Then, halfway to the building, i realized that i had left my car key in the car! So i trudged back in the rain, lap top and all to the car park. And it was a big mistake to wear slippers...nearly slipped thrice...The arms-flialing-stupid-looking-shout-out-loud kind of slips...Dang!

Then, just when i found Delifrance to settle down, haf lunch and continue my bidding, I realized that my lap top had run out of batt and there was no power outlet in Delifrance to power my lap-top...Great rite...So i was about to go home when i passed Polar Cafe and saw this unused power outlet there...I plug in my lap-top and TADAA! I could connect and bid...And that was when things started looking up again...


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