Thursday, December 13, 2007

Char char's B'day!

We had a real mini b'day celebration for char as a prelude to the big one on friday at wan tsin's place...It was nice cos i hadnt seen then since the sem break and it was small but intimate celebration...Bot Char the Dead or Alive dvd which we had planned to catch together for a long time now but never got down to it...And it was real funny trying to get her cake prepared while she went to the toilet...We couldnt find the candles, nor the matches to light them and by the time we did, char was already out haha...Here are some photos:We played this game called 'Gift Trap' which involves giving people and getting from people the right gifts in order to move your token foward...But as you can see, both me and kim lost a round and 2 rounds respectively...Then we played jungle speed which Char lost twice, hence her red and yellow sticker...We did some table swimming afterwards and i burst out laughing when Kim wanted to ask "Anybody want?" as she threw out a tile but ended up saying "Anywan Body?" instead...

Happy Birthday Char!!!

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